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Flowers by Dain Tasker 12-03-2020 / Noticias

Dain Tasker (1872-1964) was born in Beloit, Wisconsin. He was a doctor, the chief radiologist at Wilshire Hospital in Los Angeles, one of the originators of medical radiology. In his spare time he was interested in photography of landscapes and portraits. But one day in the 1930’s he was impressed by X-ray photograph of plant made for fun by one of his colleagues, and Dr. Dain Tasker has decided to apply his professional knowledge into flowers X-ray photographing.

Images of flowers by Dr. Tasker were surprisingly delicate and sublime in their minimalistic fragility, the flowers looked thin, almost transparent, like beautiful ghosts.
Dane Tasker’s work was featured by Will Connell, a well-known Los Angeles photographer and educator who encouraged Dane Tasker in promoting and persuaded him to exhibit his pictures in the salons of the Camera Pictorialists of Los Angeles and at the Golden Gate Exposition held in San Francisco in 1939.

Amazing photographs of Dane Tasker made on an X-ray machine were published in the authoritative photo editions U.S. Camera and Popular Photography.

Please look at the works of Dane Tasker - doctor and photoartist - his photos are more similar to the graphic work of art.
